Thursday 3 October 2013

DIY gelatin hair lamination (Russian secret to shiny hair)

Hey everyone ,
I hope you all having a fab day .Today im going to be giving away a russian secret to smooth shiny hair .This Do -it -yourself hair mask is very easy and gives the most amazing instant results that would leave you impressed.
So, all we need is :-
1) a pack of gelatin (im using jellos , easily available in any drugstore).
2) hot boiling water.
3) your favorite hair mask (im using wella enrich mask ps. Its brilliant girls ).
4) dye application brush
Now , lets start with the procedure.Wash  your hair with your favorite shampoo and do NOT condition. Take a glass bowl and take about 2-3 tbspn of gelatin powder. Then add hot boiling water , about 5-6 tbsp to the gelatin powder. Mix it well . The gelatin will dissolve well in hot water . This quantity I have given is for my long hair so you have shorter hair you could use much less in 3; 1 ratio . (More of water less of gelatin).let it cool for about 5min.
Now add some of your favorite hair mask about 2 spoons and mix it well .it should be of thick , runny consistency .Use a dye application brush to apply the mask sectionwise to the hair only and NOT scalp and then pin up your hair .Attached is a pic of how the mask looks after all the mixing .
Leave for about 20min and use an old towel to wrap your hair in .The mask is more effective with doing this step.
Rinse your hair well . First with warm water to melt down all the gelatin and then with cold water.
Let it dry naturally .It will leave you with super shiny hair. Attaching a picture of how my hair looks after the procedure.

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